Grant Writing USA

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Earn CEU credits

Washington, DC - March 25-26, 2025 | Grant Writing Class
Hosted by Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
Training Center - Lobby Level (4&5)
777 North Capitol Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002

Welcome!  If you're ready to learn how to find funding sources and write winning grant proposals, you've come to the right place.  Beginning and experienced grant writers from city, county and state agencies as well as healthcare organizations, nonprofits, K-12, colleges and universities are encouraged to attend.  You do not need to work in the same profession as the host agency.

Itinerary and Location:  This workshop is March 25-26, 2025, 2024, 9-4 both days with lunch on your own from noon to 1:20.  View a map of the workshop location and review the learning objectives for this course.

Parking Directions
The COG garage is operated by Stoladi, and it only accepts credit or debit cards as payment. The parking garage entrance is on First Street NE. If you do drive to COG and discover that our garage is full, we have a link below listing other garages in the immediate neighborhood.The lot with the greatest number of spaces is located at Union Station. For custom directions to COG's parking garage, click here (Google Maps).

This is a ...

√ grant writing class
grant management class

what's the difference?

Tuition:  Tuition is $495 and includes everything: two days of terrific instruction, workbook, and lifetime access to our Alumni Resource Center that's packed full of helpful resources and sample grant proposals.

COVID Guidelines:  Local health and safety guidelines will be followed.  If online learning is more comfortable for you, please visit our complete calendar of events for a list of our monthly Zoom classes.

CEU Credits:  Various CEUs and university credit are available for this class.  For complete details click here.

Payment Policy:  Payment by credit card at the time of enrollment is preferred, however, you may pay later by check.  Our registration system will auto-generate a personalized invoice/receipt for you immediately after you enroll.  If you choose to pay by check, it is your responsibility to print the online invoice and guide it through your purchasing channels.  We do not mail invoices.  Payment by check or card is required by the workshop date unless other arrangements are made.

Purchase Orders:  If you work for a government agency and want to pay by purchase order, when you register online choose the "pay by check" option.  The web site will auto-generate a printable invoice.  Print the invoice, give it and your purchase order to your purchasing department and they'll send the check.  That's it!

Cancel Policy:  Tuition is set regardless of method of instruction and will not be refunded if instruction occurs remotely at another time.  Withdrawals are allowed up to one week prior to the workshop.  Tuition refunds - less a $30 admin charge - are made by check and mailed within 5 working days of receiving your cancellation.  If you cancel within one week of the workshop or if you're registered for a workshop and fail to show up, you are obliged to submit your tuition in full and are then prepaid for and welcome to attend any future workshop we offer within one year of the workshop you cancelled.  If you register within 10 days of the class, you may cancel your registration up to 5 days after by notifying us via email at  Tuition refunds - less a $30 admin charge - are made within 5 working days of receiving your cancellation notice.

Questions?  Email or call The Client Services Team at Grant Writing USA, at 800.814.8191, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm (PT).

COVID Waiver:  By clicking register above or below, you are acknowledging an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present.  By attending a Grant Writing USA or Grant Management USA workshop you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree not to hold GWUSA or GMUSA or the facility or agency where the workshop is held or any of their affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, or volunteers liable for any illness or injury.

Ready to enroll?  Great - it's easy!

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Traveling and need lodging?  These hotels are near the training location.  Click the hotel's name to visit their website.

Phoenix Park Hotel
520 North Capitol Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20001
Hyatt Regency Hotel
400 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20001