Grant Writing Course Content
How and where to find grants:
- Where's the money? Finding federal and state government grant makers.
- Where's the money? Finding foundation grant programs.
- Where's the money? Finding corporate giving programs.
- Where's the money? Tracking grant opportunities so you don't miss application deadlines.
How to write winning grants:
- The essential components of a grant proposal package.
- How to customize a proposal to match a grant maker's interest.
- How to initially approach a funder.
- The differences between government and foundation proposals.
- How to report on a grant's progress and impact.
- How to develop working relationships with grant makers.
- What to do if your proposal is denied (don't give up!).
- The behind-the-scenes decisions that determine proposal acceptance and denial.
And much, much more . . .
The Agenda
Day One | 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
- Understanding the critical difference between organizational needs and the needs of the community.
- Developing your credibility as an applicant.
- Research, measure, and objectively articulate the community need to be addressed with the proposed grant.
- Lunch on your own noon - 1:20 PM.
- Measuring impacts; define success now.
- Present and justify your method for addressing the need; why you've chosen this method over other possible methods; overcoming the inherently subjective nature of methods.
Day Two | 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
- Developing your plan for grant evaluation, both
subjective and objective; integrating your plan with the grant maker's required evaluation and reporting system.
- Developing a budget and analyzing cash flow; indirect and admin cost caps; determine if you can afford to get this grant before submitting an application; collaborating with your fiscal affairs, grants managers, and leadership.
- Lunch on your own noon - 1:20 PM.
- Budgets continued.
- Summarizing your request for that impossibly small summary opportunity on the standard federal cover page or, the one/two page foundation
- Locate and track relevant grant opportunities from Federal, State and local government sources, private foundations and corporate giving programs.
- Allocate and forecast proposal team work load before the RFP is released.
- Dissecting the RFP; researching enabling legislation; understanding the "spirit and intent" of the grant program; technical assistance contacts and the need for open and honest communication.
Note: The timing and delivery of components may flex to meet the needs of the class, but all the info will be covered. If you don't understand some of the terms above, that's okay. After two days with us you will - because you must!
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